Saturday, August 18, 2012

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Today, I killed 30 thieves, and do not care to kill a few I believe that all Members have look at the head of the thieves as it a good think about it, or need protection agreement signed with a group of thieves. Leave thieves, head of card Feng! Just left City Hall, Kunda see a team of mercenaries murderously rushed to the lead has been oakleys humiliated Ryan the Kunda Yi and then fear, full drink the blood of the sword scabbard, and light reminder horse, camel, such as wind rushed up. few Jintie Jiao Ming Cui Xiang, Ryan and three men, clutching the throat of the AIDS blood sky and fell down, Kunda a ride while maneuvering from the gap sprang, straight to the city head away.
Kunda onto the city wall, behind the left and right large group of mercenaries around us, seeing this, Kunda slam on the Spurs, a man and a horse to jump from the 10 meter high wall, twisting step after landing on the girth lurking on the edge of the town of Phil rate the monkey tribe reconnaissance cavalry quickly came to the aid, a few people leapt to the horse gallops away,new york rangers caps, and the arrows were showered behind.
That evening, Tiger Army Lake camp in the clear water, the victory of the Tigers Legion soldiers singing the battle song of victory happily drinking, cheers after another, the the Xuejian Corps captured keep silent in the closely monitored meals and rest.
Accept the finished soldiers cheering oakleys in an advanced and accompanied by Kunda and Phil came in, prisoners of war under the leadership of Vance, all stood with eyes ceremony to express their respect for the young head of.
oakleys stride into the Vance: ? Veterans experienced many vicissitudes of his face showing unprecedented determination: Feng refused to ransom negotiating proposals, attack our messengers to the Tiger Corps is a comprehensive declaration of war. you in front of bloodshed, relying on nepotism when life and death on the head of the card, Feng has no regard for you, but you denounced as a waste! other vicious words I do not want to say more despicable shameless language is not worth its angry, I just want everyone to think rationally, and wealth to support his extravagant lifestyle whether it is worth as little bloodshed. just respect Warriors Vance has accepted the invitation to join Tigers Legion, I will appoint him as the Tiger Legion, deputy head, head is not in dealing with all matters relating to the same, on behalf of Tiger Army to issue a warm invitation to you, welcome to all the brave soldiers to join me Army, of course, Tiger Army regiment regulations are very strict, regardless of military size, equal treatment for all,chicago blackhawks caps, to be will Kunda would you do in detail, hoping you warriors make a careful choice if you do not want to join me military, we are not forced, either to return to the the Xuejian mercenary group or go elsewhere.

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