Friday, July 20, 2012

wholesale cheap jerseys efficient. and the royal family through the dispatch of the circuit judges

Investigation jury of twelve neighbors to survey the jury must answer all the questions raised by royal officials, otherwise they will be punished. This the neighbors investigation jury can quickly and efficiently to the royal officials to provide the detailed information they need; thus neighbors William is scheduled to complete his investigation plan, the investigation the jury played a the inestimable important role. an important role. no exaggeration to say played a pioneer in the embarrassing role, this time by a jury of twelve survey convened from the local people and the royal family for their own to grab the power of a difficult road and we can see such investigations jury in nature is still the group of witnesses. Of course, such as the foregoing account, the William and its later in the administrative affairs of the royal family widely adopted by this group of witnesses, because by virtue of its access to the royal administration required information is so effective royal administrative Therefore, efficient. and the royal family through the dispatch of the circuit judges (justlces in Eyre) at the local level to convene such an inquiry jury questioning about whether the local officials violated the royal family of misconduct in order to control and supervision of local administrative and judicial activities. the jury the significance of the English royal family can be seen. until the 14th century, due to local counties on behalf of the participation of Parliament, the king no need to send officials running around in Parliament on access to needed across the country; coupled with the chief circuit judges of the negative administrative duties justices in Eyre) the increasing unpopularity of the strong request of the public will soon be full-time trial, Circuit Judge of the Secretary (just ices of assize ) replaced; bureaucracy and the royal family of specialized, standardized operation system has been basically established in the country, forensics (Investigation jury) is also somewhat difficult to adapt to this specialization and standardization of operational needs, therefore, the jury of the 14th century royal administrative affairs investigation gradually declined, jury investigation evolved mainly with the administration of justice.
Of course, the investigation jury was not until the 14th century was only the introduction of a judicial trial. As mentioned earlier,casual shoe, the British royal family after the Norman Conquest an introduction of the 12 investigated the use of a jury is to be in the government from Normandy. but historical data indicate that, until Henry II, the survey jury was only fixed in the administration of justice in England before the administration of justice in the use of fewer instances of a jury (jury), according to the recorded father of Henry II of Anjou Jeffrey, in important civil cases in the jury. it is certain that Henry II for a 12 person jury will not unfamiliar,wholesale cheap jerseys, whether it is in the administrative affairs in the administration of justice, but in Henry II, before the jurisdiction of the royal family has been informal, judicial power, a few full operation in the hands of the local feudal forces, royal intervention in the local judiciary is considered to be in violation of the laws of nature, intolerable. which seriously hampered the royal centralization and judicial lot of money (England motto), the judiciary can bring substantial economic income. Therefore, regardless of politics.

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