Sunday, September 9, 2012

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rred in that incident, and yellow leaves and other girls tangled love story later Sui Dynasty Korea,nike jordan air, each to Wang dream away from the tomb always feel particularly guilty burn the paper money would flee wildly hurried away. but this time sitting king dream away from the tomb, nfl think that no matter there is nothing and can with the tomb of the king dream away truthfully say that out, in the heart to the king a dream away quietly talk after the mood has become particularly calm his mind a feeling, the same as Wang Meng away from the grave and unnamed the master that in Kokuseiji, stupa, his spiritual support where,basketball uniform, later encountered not a thing to the tomb of Wang Meng away to sit or to the unknown Master of the stupa to worship what can make their feelings quickly calmed down, can produce a wonderful feeling when a monk enlightenment and then think about their own The feelings of the king's dream away for some reason, sublimation, has not just treating her like a lost lover, but an ability to have a do not have gods, like many people will be gone for many years gross old people as gods to worship. He felt that after the king dream away the feelings of such change, regardless of Wang Meng has gone away, or on his own, should be the most appropriate.
Accordance with the habits formed over the years, each before the New Year, old weapons should go to a couple of days, and his brother, Chen Jiang, spend some time together, especially the old arms of his wife's death, lived in Beijing for the time longer, are gen

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

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The Xuanming days due to excessive freezing cold, so the whole world are completely frozen substances constitute all the material, whether it is an ordinary rock, or some kind of natural formation of pure metal Mountains knot on a fascinating bright Ice. the world center Binghan Freezing cold far, gradually diffuses away to go,wholesale nba jerseys, and therefore the temperature is from the world at the center to the periphery gradually increased.
Xuanming days, there is no flow of water, but in addition to the land beyond, there are a lot of Ice And Ice area is almost occupied the entire area of ​​two-thirds of the world.
This world do not have much biological several creatures survive in this freezing cold, but this is not unique at the periphery of the best in the world, have some biological exists. Their body fluids, cells liquid content up instead of water, but replacing the role of water by freezing low methane liquid so that the body fluids in such low temperature still not solidified.
In these organisms, it is the most powerful ice dragon this ice dragon can freely control the cold,fake oakley sunglasses, and even be able to fly close to the area around minus two Baidu without death all organisms form a small food chain, while in the top-end of the food chain, is the Ice Dragon.
Seventh heaven in the few organisms exist, but each Heaven has its own special biological source of these organisms is very strange, even nfl, and not to know how they are in seventh heaven world.
Heaven, called With Xuanming day the biggest difference is that in this world, a high temperature world of sun at the center of the world, with more than five million degrees high temperature even in the world's most marginalized regions, the temperature is still up to two or three thousand degrees. In this world, there is no presence of liquid water, all the water turned to steam.
In the role of water in the conventional world, where silica replaced the entire world, filled magma of molten marine little land area. All land, are a very high melting point of the metal constituting.
Everywhere filled with toxic smoke and hot air can say this, if someone has the ability to enter the place, then his every breath is flame.
Here, too, has its own biological, one of the most powerful creatures Fire Phoenix fire Phoenix turned out to be born from the center of the sun! Can imagine its powerful.
Third Heaven, called This is a bleak and gloomy world. Has a lot of spirit creatures in the world, exactly similar to the human soul, also known as spirits of the dead day. Almost the scenery here, with the outside world in the legend of the Here is more desolate, more ghastly.
The center of the world, is called the Soul day around with spirits